Questions Before Laser Eye SurgeryQuestions Before Laser Eye Surgery

Questions to ask before laser eye surgery

As with any surgery, it’s important to ask the right questions prior to undergoing laser eye surgery to ensure you have complete peace of mind.

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Are You Living with Cataracts?Are You Living with Cataracts?

Are You Living with Cataracts?

LaserVision eye experts explain the causes of cataracts and treatment options…

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5 Common Vision & Eye Surgery Myths5 Common Vision & Eye Surgery Myths

5 Common Vision & Eye Surgery Myths

Over the years you have probably heard many different vision and eye surgery myths and often wondered how true they are.

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How Does Smoking Affect Your Eyesight?How Does Smoking Affect Your Eyesight?

How Does Smoking Affect Your Eyesight?

We have all heard about the dangers of smoking – it can harm every organ in the body and that includes the eyes.

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What can I Expect After Laser Eye Surgery?What can I Expect After Laser Eye Surgery?

What can I Expect After Laser Eye Surgery?

When researching laser eye surgery, it’s important to ask your potential consultant eye surgeon about the results you can expect from the treatment, for example to improve your lifestyle and reduce dependency on glasses.

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Cataract Surgery FAQsCataract Surgery FAQs

Cataract Surgery FAQs

Cataract Surgery is one of the safest, most commonly performed procedures worldwide.

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Protecting Your Eyes After Laser Cataract SurgeryProtecting Your Eyes After Laser Cataract Surgery

Are You Protecting Your Eyesight?

As we age, many of us begin to need reading glasses even if we’ve never needed glasses before.

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Summer Holiday HealthSummer Holiday Health

Summer Holiday Health

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The Three Rare Celestial Events Happening This Friday

The Three Rare Celestial Events Happening This Friday

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All Eyes On CarotenoidsAll Eyes On Carotenoids

All Eyes On Carotenoids

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Why Choose a Private Clinic Such as Laservision for Your Vision Correction?Why Choose a Private Clinic Such as Laservision for Your Vision Correction?

Why Choose a Private Clinic Such as Laservision for Your Vision Correction?

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How Can Diabetes Impact My Eyesight?How Can Diabetes Impact My Eyesight?

How Can Diabetes Impact My Eyesight?

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We invest in the latest equipment hand chosen by our surgeons, so that we can deliver outstanding results with the safest surgery possible.

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