
New Lens Available: The IC-8 Lens

Appropriate Vision Correction Treatments for Long-Sightedness

We usually begin to notice a decrease in our quality of vision somewhere in our 40s. It likely starts with blurry near vision and progresses to loss of image sharpness. This decrease in visual quality is due to changes in your eye’s natural lens. It’s a totally natural change that happens to everyone eventually. Whether this is due to presbyopia or cataracts, LaserVision are now pleased to offer a new lens option to restore vision at every distance, the IC-8™ lens.

The IC-8™ lens is designed to give you:

  • Excellent image quality at all distances, so you can drive, read the newspaper and work on your computer without glasses
    • Quality near and intermediate vision without compromising far vision
    • Good quality night vision

How does the IC-8 Lens work?

After a full eye examination is completed, and it is determined you are a suitable candidate for a lens replacement or cataract surgery, the doctor will discuss your options available to you.

The IC-8 lens replaces your eye’s natural lens and provides clear vision at all distances. The lens includes a small ring with a pinhole in the centre. This advanced design helps focus the light entering the eye and once again allows you to see from near to far clearly.

The images below help show how your eye is currently focusing light and how it can be restored with the IC-8 lens.

To find out if the IC-8™ lens is suitable for you, please book a consultation at your nearest LaserVision clinic online here or call 0800 024 8888.

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