
Eye Condition Focus: Keratoconus

Eye Condition Focus: Keratoconus

keratoconus, eye conditions, symptoms, cause, diagnosis, treatment, cure,


It is that time of month where LaserVision highlight a specific eye condition to raise awareness of its symptoms and available treatment. This month, we focus on Keratoconus.


What are the symptoms of Keratoconus:

Early symptoms of Keratoconus include blurred vision, vision that cannot be corrected with glasses or frequent glasses prescription changes. Other, less common symptoms include eye strain, eye pain, irritation and headaches, increased light sensitivity and seeing ghosting or halos of lights at night.

These symptoms alone can also be attributed to other eye conditions so it is important to seek medical advice from an eye doctor if experiencing any of these symptoms.

Irregular bulging of the cornea is a key symptom of keratoconus.


What exactly is Keratoconus?

Keratoconus literal translation is ‘cone-shaped cornea’. Keratoconus is a progressive eye disease that causes the central area of the cornea (the clear front window of the eye) to become weak and thin, making the shape ‘bulge’ in an irregular, rugby ball shape, manner. This results in a refractive error with the end result being distorted vision. The cornea is the transparent dome-shaped front part of our eyes, allowing for focusing of the eye. To function properly it must be smooth and appropriately shaped.


What is the Cause?

Currently, there is no known cause of keratoconus. Although it can begin at any age, keratoconus often starts during puberty and progresses over time until it stabilises, many years later. It is estimated to affect 1 person in 2000. Therefore keratoconus is not uncommon.


How is Keratoconus diagnosed?

Keratoconus needs to be diagnosed by a qualified eye doctor/opthamologist. The condition is usually first diagnosed in the form of an Astigmatism, where the cornea is seen to bulge slightly, which in turn, will impair the eyes’ ability to focus. However, for some patients keratoconus will progress to the point where vision is impaired such that glasses or contact lenses cannot improve the vision further. Although often only one eye is noticeably affected, it is common for both eyes to be affected.


What are the treatment options?

There are many treatment options for patients diagnosed with Keratoconus of which you can read more about.

At LaserVision, our consultant surgeons have unrivalled experience in treating Keratoconus and can expertly guide you through the best treatments for you. Book your consultation today.


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